
Taboo – Practicing Word Use and Mediators

Taboo Directions

Word Practice


  1. In groups greater than one and less than five there needs to be at least one clue giver and at least one guesser. There is an optional role of “Taboo-checker” to be sure the clue givers do not say a taboo word. 
    • Keeping “score” is optional.
  2. The clue giver(s) faces the projector to see the game “cards” (slides).
  3. The guesser(s) face away from the projector so they do not see the “cards” (slides).
  4. Clue givers may not say the words in red. If they do, the clue giver or the Taboo Checker must say TABOO. 
    • Clue givers may lose a point if you choose to keep score.
  1. Guessers can guess as many times as they wish.
    • The guesser(s) AND the clue giver get a point if you keep score.
  1. If you would like to time the round, set a one-minute timer. 
    • If you keep score, the guessers AND clue givers lose a point.